Estimating correlation matrices when the data include missing and left-censored values

A one-step Bayesian approach.

Ben Trueman true

I recently put together a GitHub repository with some collected tips on how to fit common models in environmental science when the data are partially left-censored. This occurs most often when observations are reported as falling below a detection limit. One of these models is used to estimate a correlation matrix, and I thought I’d explore that here using a simulation. I follow the typical approach of simulating data, fitting a model, and then comparing the parameter values that generated the data to the model estimates.

We’ll need the following R packages and options:

library("MASS") # random generation for multivariate normal
library("tidyverse") # data wrangling
library("scales") # rescaling vectors
library("withr") # set a random seed
library("trialr") # generate random correlation matrices
library("brms") # generate Stan code template
library("bgamcar1") # customize Stan code and fit models
library("cmdstanr") # postprocess model
library("posterior") # postprocess model
library("ggplot2") # visualize
library("patchwork") # compose plots
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) # detect and set number of CPU cores

First, let’s set the simulation parameters. I’m choosing a missing rate of 20% and a censoring rate of approximately 35% for each variable.

filename_prefix <- "correlation-matrix-simulation-" # for saving models
n_variables <- 5
n_observations <- 100
n_simulations <- 25
proportion_missing <- 0.2
n_missing <- round(proportion_missing * n_observations)

# this is the proportion of sigma to subtract from the mean, yielding the censoring threshold:
proportion_censored <- 0.25

# parameters for lognormal distributions of mu and sigma:
mean_mu <- 0
sd_mu <- 1
meanlog_sigma <- 1
sdlog_sigma <- 1

# make variable/indicator names:
these_variables <- paste0("x", seq(n_variables))
these_indicators <- paste0("cens_x", seq(n_variables))

this_seed <- 124256764 # choose a random seed:

Then, let’s simulate the data. Missingness is not random: higher values are more likely to be missing.

with_seed(this_seed, {

  simulation_inputs <- replicate(n_simulations, {
      variable = these_variables,
      mu = rnorm(n_variables, mean_mu, sd_mu),
      sigma = rlnorm(n_variables, meanlog_sigma, sdlog_sigma),
      censoring_thresholds = mu - proportion_censored * sigma
  }, simplify = FALSE)

  correlation_matrices <- replicate(n_simulations, {
    trialr::rlkjcorr(1, n_variables)
  }, simplify = FALSE)

  data <- map2(correlation_matrices, simulation_inputs, \(x, y) {

    sigma <- diag(y$sigma)

    covariance_matrix <- sigma %*% x %*% sigma

    data <- mvrnorm(n = n_observations, mu = y$mu, Sigma = covariance_matrix)

    # add in missings and censored:

    data_missing <- data |>
      apply(2, \(u) {u[sample(seq(n_observations), n_missing, prob = rescale(u))] <- NA; u})

    censoring_indicators <- data_missing |>
      sweep(2, y$censoring_thresholds, FUN = "<") |>
      apply(2, \(u) if_else(u, "left", "none")) |>
      apply(2, \(u) replace_na(u, "none"))

    data_censored <- data_missing |>
      sweep(2, y$censoring_thresholds, FUN = pmax)

    # convert to tibble:

    colnames(data_censored) <- these_variables

    colnames(censoring_indicators) <- these_indicators

    bind_cols(data.frame(data_censored), data.frame(censoring_indicators)) |>


Now that we have data, we can verify that the proportion censored is reasonable:

data |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "simulation") |>
  summarize(across(starts_with("cens_"), ~ mean(.x == "left")))
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  cens_x1 cens_x2 cens_x3 cens_x4 cens_x5
    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1   0.352   0.362   0.344   0.348    0.35

We’ll fit the models using bgamcar1, a package I built to fill a few gaps in the functionality of the immensely useful brms. First let’s generate the model formula:

these_formulas <- lapply(these_variables, \(x) bf(paste0(x, " | mi() ~ 1")))
multivariate_formula <- mvbrmsformula(flist = these_formulas) + set_rescor(TRUE)

Now we can do the sampling. After it’s done, we’ll save CSVs of the draws and read them back in as CmdStanFit objects for easy post-processing.

map(seq_along(data), ~ fit_stan_model(
    file = paste0("models/", filename_prefix, .x),
    seed = this_seed,
    bform = multivariate_formula,
    bdata = data[[.x]],
    car1 = FALSE,
    var_xcens = these_variables,
    cens_ind = these_indicators,
    lcl = simulation_inputs[[.x]]$censoring_thresholds,
    family = "gaussian",
    backend = "cmdstanr",
    overwrite = TRUE
# read the CSVs storing the draws as cmdstanfit objects:
filenames <- map_chr(seq(n_simulations), ~ paste0("models/", filename_prefix, .x)) |>
    map(~ paste0(.x, "-", 1:4, ".csv"))
censored_model_fitted <- map(filenames, as_cmdstan_fit)

Not all of these models fully converged. Usually, that would mean diagnosing and tweaking each one, but here we’ll just identify them and check later whether or not they recover the true parameter values well. In particular, we’ll flag any model where the maximum tree depth was exceeded, divergent transitions occurred, the estimated Bayesian fraction of missing information was less than 0.3, r-hat values were greater than 1.05, or effective sample size for any parameter was less than 400—see here for details.

diagnostics_1 <- map(censored_model_fitted, ~ .x$diagnostic_summary()) |>
    ~ all(.x$num_divergent == 0) & all(.x$num_max_treedepth == 0) & all(.x$ebfmi >= 0.3)

diagnostics_2 <- map(censored_model_fitted, ~ .x$summary()) |>
    ~ with(.x,
           all(rhat < 1.05, na.rm = TRUE) &
             all(ess_bulk >= 400, na.rm = TRUE) &
             all(ess_tail >= 400, na.rm = TRUE))

diagnostics <- tibble(simulation = seq(n_simulations), converged = diagnostics_1 & diagnostics_2)

To evaluate model performance, we’ll need to collect the true values from all the simulations…

these_variable_pairs <- data.frame(t(combn(these_variables, 2))) |>
  unite(col = variable, X1, X2)

correlation_matrices_tbl <- correlation_matrices |>
  map(\(x) x[lower.tri(x)]) |>
  map(\(x) mutate(these_variable_pairs, rho = x)) |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "simulation")

simulation_inputs_tbl <- simulation_inputs |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "simulation")

… and compare them to the model estimates:

model_draws <- censored_model_fitted |>
  map(~ .x$draws(format = "draws_df")) |>
  map(as_tibble) |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "simulation") |> 
  # rename correlation parameters:
    .cols = matches("^Rescor\\[\\d\\,\\d\\]"), 
    .fn = ~ str_replace(.x, "(\\d+),(\\d+)", "x\\1,x\\2")

estimates <- list(
  mu_estimated = "Intercept$", sigma_estimated = "^sigma", rho_estimated = "^Rescor\\[x\\d,x\\d\\]"
) |>
    list(simulation_inputs_tbl, simulation_inputs_tbl, correlation_matrices_tbl),
    ~ model_draws |>
      select(c(simulation, matches(.x))) |>
      pivot_longer(-simulation, names_to = "param") |> 
        variable = str_extract_all(param, paste(these_variables, collapse = "|")),
        variable = map(variable, ~ paste(.x, collapse = "_")),
        variable = unlist(variable)
      ) |> 
      group_by(variable, simulation) |> 
        lower = quantile(value, .025),
        upper = quantile(value, .975),
        estimate = quantile(value, .5)
      ) |>
      ungroup() |>
      right_join(.y, by = c("simulation", "variable")) |>
      left_join(diagnostics, by = "simulation")

That’s it! Now we just need to put all the information in a set of plots.

The model is recovering our parameters reasonably well. But how does it compare to a simpler approach? Let’s try estimating correlation coefficients with the stats::cor() function. We’ll use pairwise complete cases for calculating each of the correlation coefficients and impute the censoring limits for the left-censored values.

estimates_conventional <- data |> 
  map(~ select(.x, starts_with("x"))) |> 
  map(~ cor(.x, use = "pairwise")) |> 
  map(\(x) x[lower.tri(x)]) |>
  map(\(x) mutate(these_variable_pairs, rho = x)) |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "simulation") |> 
    by = c("simulation", "variable"),
    suffix = c("_estimate", "_true")

The conventional approach does comparably well at estimating small correlations, but it tends to underestimate large correlations—especially large negative ones. The Bayesian version also has the advantage that a robust model is straightforward—if extreme observations occur, we can compensate by using a student t likelihood, whereas stats::cor() doesn’t have that option.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Trueman (2024, July 9). Benjamin Trueman: Estimating correlation matrices when the data include missing and left-censored values. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Trueman, Ben},
  title = {Benjamin Trueman: Estimating correlation matrices when the data include missing and left-censored values},
  url = {},
  year = {2024}